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    Friday, November 16, 2007

    Hell....What was it???

    I came across a website called "The Truth About Hell"...i dunno what to do this morning since i arrived too early (office la..)..I type "hell" in the google search box and this is what i found...
    In the website, the writer made a full research about hell..The exact it was looks like..etc...bla..bla..i think u guys should read it..According to the writer, the exact location of HELL in inside the earth !!!!!...Kinda funny right...Based on the Old Testament and the New Testament Bible, it cleary said the location of HELL..check this out..

    A) In Acts 2, Peter is speaking, verse 31, " . . . seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in HELL"
    B) And in Matthew 12:40, Jesus Christ says:"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. "
    Ephesians 4:9, says of Jesus: "Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH."
    At the end of the article, a researcher made a confession..He said
    "As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!"

    The writer also mentioned some method on how to get to HELL..truly insane kan...i think this guy is trying to do against guys should read it... Click Here..


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