Kelantan...wakakaka...U better Read..!!!!
The first thing that i can say is Kota Baru is such a primitive town...I went to Pasar Siti Khatijah with my crew and i was shocked..!!!!...Dirty..!!!!!....i smell lots of Nasty smell there...yikes..!!!....
Most of the advertisement banner there must have the "Tulisan Jawi"...i dunno why...maybe it's one of the rule there..The model must wear tudung also..For the first time i saw Farah AF2,Nurul,Zilla AF4 and Maya Karin wearing tudung...wakkaka...really funny...!!!!..but it's for their own good kan...Kelantan is a "Bandaraya Islam"...i think this is the only way to show to the public how important their religion is...and we have to respect them as a tourist...
Wherever i go, people keep looking at i'm a film star...maybe it's because of the way i dress...i didn't see any teenagers wear hip hop dress there..
I have diffculty to understand their slang there..."Mu nak gapo?"..."Menate Bewok Gapo??"..."Mu Dah Make?"..that's all that i know...hahaha...i have to speak english whenever i want to ask something...hehhe..
i also try most of their popular food...Laksam,Nasik Dagang,Nasik Berlauk...I went to Wakaf at the first day i arrived...hmm...Juz like "Uptown" here in KL...
There's a lot of thing to tell u guys..but i'm really bz right right back then...hehehe...i arrived KLIA at 12.45 pm yesterday...i rushed back home then...can't wait to lay my body down to my bed...wakakaka...See u guys around..
halo ;D
bodohnya.. menulis macam org tak pernah sekolah..
such a big liar in the world i ever found...
why u so envy with kelantan?..
is it because really hate Islam and Malay?
u tak layak duduk kat Malaysia..
tukar warga negara je lah..
Haha, u edit the poster? Sweet dude!
I never been to Kelantan, but i dont think i will go there too coz basically theres nothing fun to do there. Maybe the Cherating Club Med coz i heard is kewl there.
a journey without learning is nothing more than fooled urself.
well..looks like u don't even know how to accomodate with people. Wise people don't just criticise whatever they've seen but think it over, thoroughly.
be a good journeyEER>>>
Hello...kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan...terutama kepada mereka yang tak berani bagitau nama sendiri..(ketara penakut..!!)....
Sila baca disclaimer saya terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat apa2 komen..apa yang saya kritik adalah semua benar belaka mengenai kelantan..8 out of 10 people wud agree with me...
and yes of kos!!!..i learned sumthg when i went there...i dun have to tell u what i had learn..ask other people then...and the answer will be the same dude..
please use ur real name next time..dun be such a "chicken" a.k.a LOSER!!!!
ey bodoh.
jealous ngan klantan ek?
wut a pity.
anak2 kelahiran govt yg bodoh.
cani la jadiknye.
tau nak seronok.
mane tak lingkup.
Undio noh PAS!!.. wakakakaa...
well I'm kelantanese.. Some parts of ur article ae definite truth and some of it exaggerate.. I hope you get benefit by writing it
dumb people wrote like a dolts..r u a muslim?if yes,what so funny with celebrities wearing tudung??u should never write like this again just showed ur own stupidity..poor little boy..
Hello.. blogger.. I think you should read my post too... see why they all united even not the same race. Its my opinion too... so..why dun u just give a fair square :)
link were cut into peices..sorry link too long..but u can click my name.. it will redirect to the web.. im no spamming..dun wory
u know what? u're really stupid dumbass..i thinked u're Barisan Nasional child,poor u...kelantan is more develop than terengganu n pahang.these 2 state are rule by BN,but nothing they can do to develop the states. u're such a moron,saying something without thinking first.judging something with ur eyes,not with your cow's brain.shame on u n shame on ur parents. next time if u go to kelantan,try to judge with ur brain n knowlegde,not with your stupid brain.1 more,make friends with kelantanese.where u come from?usa?f**k u moron!
What a loser...baru lah saya tahu kenapa BN kalah di kelantan...rupanya rakyat nya kuat memaki..kata negeri islam..tapi tengok tu...sempat lagi tabur perkataan "f**k u"...astaga...
ingatkan PAS menang kat sana, orangnya makin baik...rupa2nya..makin masuk neraka...apa ko rasa??? oren???
open your eyes la blogger..
pasar mane yang tak busuk dan kotor..
cakap ikut perasaan..facts takda..
tak bleh pakai btol
such billboard tak pernah ada pun..buat cerita sendiri..
storyteller in the making..
buat drama lagi baik lerr
bukak la lubang idong ko dulu sebelom mengata kat orang...ko cakap ko macam film star heh??ko x pikir ke kenapo BE END wat islam hadhari??? masok la kalo berani...wakakaka...ko ni ibarat ahli parlimen putrajaya..dulu mintak ngn pm nak bukak disko smpai pukul 5 pagi...ko tengok la sabah tu..sebelum BE END ambik ni la negeri paling maju malaysia..sekarang pulak dah jadi negeri termiskin malaysia..xmalu ke???kembali la kat islam beb...jangan sampai tua xreti tobat lagi udah la...kalo ko pikir hidup ko ni kat dunia je, memang ko bengap!!!tengok la kat kl..tiap2 hari dok ada isu bayi baru lahir kena ke nama kemajuan yang ko banggakan??ni ke yang kerajaan BE END banggakan??ni la salah satu sebab keruntuhan akhlak, hubungan bebas jantan betina...sedar la...celik la mata ko tu...
bn bagi lesen judi, arak, disko tu boleh masok syurga ke??jangan memperbodohkan diri la...ko ingat pendidikan islam yg ko blajo kat skolah tu setakat pelajaran kat skul ker??ni la ajaran BE END...ko ckp pasal makanan kan?aku pelik la..budu ko x reti makan plak...nampak sangat la ko dh bazirkan pemikiran yang dijajah ngan barat tu...ko xtengok kelantan secara keseluruhannya...kalo ko naik flight, ko xtau ke yg tempat ko turun tu sape yang buat...bukan BE END ok??kalo ko cakap yg pasar siti khatijah tu yikes, ko dh tengok ke kat negeri BE END...ko dh pegi x kat kandang babi....hua3...kat melaka banyak la jugak...sebab dorg eksport...ko dah pegi ke and bandingkan yg mane lebih busuk??!!
haha...aku rase ko dh banyak bbuh dakyah dlm kpale otak ko tu pasal kelantan...lain kali nak banding tu tengok la kat negeri lain jugak...pastu ko pikir la yang positif plak....aku tengok ko xde pon komen positif kat kelantan...ape yang aku tengok kat blog ko, ko banyak menghabiskan masa ngan berhibur and itu la ape yang BE END ajar kat rakyat dia...xcaye ke??ko tengok la berapa % proram TV BE END wat ntok hiburan, pelajan , & agama...aku pon tengok gak ko xde sentuh pon bab agama n pelajaran kat malaysia...bab hiburan je kat tv la jugak...stiap tahun mesti ada byk anugerah hiburan...hurm....masyaallah...
bangang la ko ni......ha3!!!xda otak nk pkir.....aku tgk bdk2 luar yg study kt uitm klntan xckp english pon....rilek je dorg pham apa yg org klntan ckp.....what a stupid person r ko ni......ckp guna lutut......xda otak ker????kpala kosong kot.....student2 kt klantan siap puji ag.......xda klab mlam.......islam trpelihara.....ko je yg otak mereng...sggup mghina islam......bodoh!!!
Rileks semua. tenang je, lihat, fikir, hayati..dan simpulkan. anggaplah ini dugaan dunia. semoga Allah mengampunkan kite semua...zaasszz...
sabar semua..aku rasa penulis ini tidak menghina islam..dia hanya menyuarakan apa yang dia nampak..nampaknya tiada satu pun pernyataan yang menunjukkan dia menghina agama kita...kalau pasal tudung tue, rasanya salah artis kita jugak..bila dah sampai ke negeri islam,baru nak tunjuk baik...
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leofantasia...what a looser!!!!!!!!!!!
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