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    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Syarikat Minyak Mogok...SMS???...Come on la..hahha..

    Hohoohoho....Sorry for the late update...Being busy for the last 4 days (macam la urang lain tida busy kan)....muahahahaha...Lot of thing to settle down..More paper works and storyboards to submit by the end of this weekday...Damn..!!!...Got a bog project next year...hahahha...(macam la urang lain peduli kan..)...

    Okkk...Let's forget Akademi Fantasia for a while...hehehe..I received a call from a friend in sabah asking me about the Gas Station here in KL...

    M*** : stesen minyak sana jem ka?..sini kk jem teruk ooo...durang bilang bisuk stesen minyak semua tutup..mogok..
    Me: Siapa juga kasi tau kamu?
    M***: Ada sms kami terima bah...sekarang si KK,Keningau,KB,KM Tuaran jem..semua urang berebut mo beli minyak...
    Me: Sini KL ok jak bah...teda pun kami terima apa2 sms...
    M***: astaga..kamu tia tau ka pasal nie...ketinggalan juga kamu di KL....

    I laugh out loud when i hear he said that...Ketinggalan Zaman???..OMG..!!!..hahahah!!!..Come on la people...SMS kabar angin pun kamu percaya ka???..We have our own trusted Media such as TV,Radio bla..bla..bla...I quickly come out from the meeting room and googling it at google...I ask some of my sabahan friend at YM and it was true man!!!...KK tgh jem terukkk sekarang!!!!...

    The Rumours spread really fast..!!!!

    I quickly come home to watch TV3 news...hehehe..ada pla keluar berita...kwang2...

    Here's some of the stuff that i found..Juz click the link...

    Pengguna Sabah serbu stesen minyak ekoran khabar angin mogok

    a friend of mine send me this video via mail......banyak wooo kereta...Jem.!!!

    hehehehe...People, next time please dun believe such a stupid rumours...


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