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    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    My Holiday....Part 1

    hohohohoho....Sorry for the looooooooooong silent...i'm on holiday man...!!..Gua balik kampung la...!!!Celebrating my cousin's wedding day...Taking a week off from my job...that's all what i need now...i need to recharge my energy...kwang2...but now i'm back...!!! well there's a lot of thing to story-story to you guys....hahaha....Well i spent most of my time with my my family members this time..To all my close friends, sorry guys...nanti2 la kita hang out...Well, there's a lot of official thing to do/attend during my holidays at kampung...hehehehe...

    Dipendekan cerita....aisemen...i reach KKIA at 10 pm on 29 May...My cousin's pick me up there...As i landed, bejuta-juta la sms masuk..."ko suda sampai?" "mana ko?"....kwang2...we headed to the BB Cafe at Gaya Street...apa lagi? Aramai tie laaaa!!!!...kwang2...i was "ALMOST" meet Gidong there...tapi dia nampak sya trus dia lari...ntah apa tebiat dia tu...???..BB Cafe Gaya Street...

    We drive to Inanam after that...sambung lagi minum at my cousin's house...kwang2...after some discussion, we agreed to drive directly to Kota Belud that the time is almost 3 am..!!! my kazen's house...
    ...Dalam kereta sambung minum gila punya kerja...reach Kota Belud at 4 am...!!..Check in di Hotel and terus Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......tht's for the 1st day.....OTW to Kota Belud....Kota Belud...lupa uda nama hotel dia nie...macam bukan hotel, macam asrama...kwang2

    The next morning, 30 May 2008....hancuurrrrr...!!!!....Saya paling lewat bangun...wakkaka..Since drink too much last nite kan...hangover berabis nie!!!!...wakakaka...My cousins sempat lagi p breakfast....saya...phewwww...tetidur sampai noon...actually, rombongan kami p Kota Belud nie ramai..lebih kurang 50 orang...Rombongan yang lain suda sampai awal di KB last nite..kami sampai jam 4 pagi...wakakaka...After refreshing myself with some water...aisemen...Mandi la bah tu...kwang2...we check out and start looking for a present in KB i says before, KB is a Cowboy town...There's nothing u can find there...kwang2...After buy some stuff at KB Superstore, we headed to Kampung Tampasuk 1 for my cousin's wedding ceremony...sampai silap2 jalan lagi nie..wakakakaka...i've been here before...u guys still remember kan my last post...???'s kinda weird la attending wedding ceremony time2 tengah hari nie...panassssss lagi tuh...kwang2...well..Majlis pun sy tingu, tida seperti yang sya harapkan...memang meriah tetapi sepatutnya boleh lebih meriah...60% dari tetamu is our own family....Lagipun sya tingu, there is something missing in this ceremony....No Master Of Ceremony!!!!!.....Itu majlis macam bejalan sendiri nie...
    The culture is totally diffrent compare to our own culture...From the traditional Dress to everything..bla..bla..bla....Saya rasa bahawa tradisi perkahwinan mereka ini sudah bercampur aduk dengan tradisi Orang2 bajau di Kota Belud.Cara mereka menghias Pelamin dan juga Khemah tetamu memang ada persamaan dengan cara orang Bajau mengadakan Upacara Perkahwinan mereka...
    Saya tertarik pada satu ketika di mana satu replika pokok kecil dibawa ke depan pelamin...Di sekeliling pokok tersebut tergantung banyak rokok,gula-gula,roti bla..bla..bla...and the list goes on...Dan apabila tiba saatnya, budak2 kecil dan juga orang dewasa berebut-berebut untuk mendapatkan semua benda yang tergantung itu...ahahahha...satu tradisi yang ganjil...tetapi bagi saya, ianya salah satu cara untuk memeriahkan lagi majlis tersebut...semua tetamu boleh megambil bahagian dalam acara tersebut...Semasa kedua-dua pegantin tiba, beberapa das tembakan senapang dilepaskan....ini adalah sebagai tanda bahawa majlis tersebut telah bermula...macam show-off pla kan...kwang2...satu benda baru yang bagus untuk dipelajari...!!!!
    Rombongan pengantin Lelaki terus balik ke keningau pada hari itu juga...And some of us decided to stay in KK..hehehe...
    it's been a a long time kami tia gather ramai2 sama kazen2 di KK...apa p clubbing la tu...kwang2...We drive back to KK at 4.30 pm...we decided to stay on my Aunty's House at Sabindo...10Km from Kota Kinabalu...hehehe...Sampai2 jak rumah semua trus rehat time for Fun anymore...penaatttt!!!!'s time to recharge...kwang2....

    Well that night...We hang out at D JUNCTION at Lido...My first time there...hehehe...nice place...Lot of Hot chicks around and i tuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttt......Here's some of the pic...
    To be continue.....Wait for my My Holiday....Part 2


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Enjoy kamu tu cya tinguk... yg last pic ko tu ba. suda mabuk ka belum tu... heehe.

    June 10, 2008 at 5:35 PM  
    Blogger carolchs said...

    tunah gambar no 4 frm below..sepa sdh sana on ur right side? sa pernah keja sama dia bah dulu. kazen ko juga kah?

    anyways, i have a feeling the next posting of your holiday will have more aramitii than ever...haha...well, mcm tu lah bah kalu sdh balik kg esp time2 kaamatan kan...

    June 10, 2008 at 6:11 PM  
    Blogger LeoFantasia a.k.a LEO said...

    arms..hehehhe..itu ada paning2 uda tu sikit...wakakakka...

    carol...ya my kazen tu...

    June 12, 2008 at 8:11 AM  

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